Saturday, March 14, 2009

and the blogging begins ..

Hello anyone and everyone ...

After reading my friends amazing blog, I decided it was about time i put my ramblings out there for all of you to read, instead of them building up and never being said. Besides, my close friends can only listen for so long!

I will attempt to compile stories and my beliefs about all the sport I read, watch and hear about which is a fair bit.

I've been involved in tennis for as long as I can remember, half my family are gold fanatics and I have recently started to get involved with hockey, which I now realise is a very physical and demanding sport that I knew literally nothing about. Stupid me! After watching a match from the AHL (Australian Hockey League) today I found myself off my seat for half the match, trying to figure out tactics and the way the teams were trying to score goals...

Anyway, enough about that. My forthcoming rambling will be able the British Open (golf) in July as I will be going over to watch my cousin compete, booo yeah! So stay tuned for that little snippet.

Blog ideas are taking over my mind at the moment, so stay tuned for more info to come!

over and out- megs!

1 comment:

  1. hello there dear smitty!
    and welcome to the world of blogging!
    oh how its grand!

    and my blog does rock, why thank you for acknowledging that! :D

    can't believe your watching hockey! pfft i'll stick to books thank you very much! :P

    love you gorgeous!
